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Our Priorites

Ascent has emerged around three core priorities that are shaping our cooperative mission and witness.

Engaging Under-Gospeled People

Whether they are called the un-churched or the de-churched, there are now more people in North America without the gospel influencing their life than ever before in history. Within Ascent we believe this must become the primary focus for the church in North America during these unprecedented days. Within this value we are seeking to prioritize:

  • Incarnational Mission & Disciple-Making
  • Unreached People & Secular Communities
  • Contextual Evangelism & Apologetics
  • Church Planting & Multiplication

Gap Areas in Mission & Ministry


Either through insufficient awareness, or the rapidly changing context, there are several components within the North American church that lack appropriate attention. Rather than focusing on aspects of the Great Commission already developed in North America, Ascent is will prioritize gap areas in order to comprehensively impact our continent and beyond. These include a focus on aspects of mission and ministry such as:


  • Rural Communities and Urban Centers
  • Next Generation Ministry
  • Technological Innovation and Wisdom
  • Global Church Engagement

Leadership Development & Mobilization


It is well noted that the church in North America is in a leadership crisis. Many ministry leaders have retired or quit over the last several years and the challenges of leading in ministry now are more complicated than in decades. Ascent is focused on developing leaders for the future of mission in North America. This includes aspects of ministry such as:


  • Leadership Development for Effectiveness in Post-Christian Contexts
  • Equipping and Collaboration with the Diaspora Church Leadership in North America
  • Multi-Ethnic Engagement and Development

Initiatives & Projects

The call of Ascent is to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in growing the life of the Gospel throughout North America and beyond.  We believe this is a multi-cultural, multi-generational and multi-faceted task that necessities a wide array of strategies and approaches.  Here are some of our current Mission Initiatives & Projects.

Catalyzing the Latino Witness

The gospel is growing in power among the Latino community, both in North America and around the world.  Within a few decades, it is highly possible that the Hispanic community will be the largest single demographic comprising the church in North America.  We believe that a faithful gospel witness in North America will not only support the Latino church in reaching the Latino community, but will help empower the Latino church into influence within the broader Christian movement in North America.

Church Planting & Multiplication

It has been well documented that new churches are one of the most effective approaches to reaching new people.  Challenging as starting a new faith community can be, Ascent continues to believe that it is critical to the work of the gospel in every generation.  In partnership with the Ecclesia Network, within Ascent we uphold a theologically based, missiologically attuned, contextual approach to planting and multiplication that is steeped in the best wisdom of multiple generations and varied models based on context.

 Congregational Vitality & Renewal

In partnership with the Fresh Expressions North America and the Renew Center, we seek to mobilize local congregations to become healthy agents of mission within their local communities.  Our heart for congregational change stems not from merely a desire for local churches to grow numerically, but to see the life of the gospel infused into the many neighborhoods and networks around them - and for a new kind of local church to be born.

Global Relief, Disaster Response, and Humanitarian Aid

Throughout the centuries, the Christian witness has been propelled by an ongoing effort to meet need in the lives of individuals facing difficulty and communities facing challenges.  Through our partner, On Mission Network, Ascent supports robust efforts to meet human need in the name of Christ wherever and whenever possible.

Ministry Discernment and Recognition

Ascent celebrates and affirms the call to ministry and service of men and women who seek to extend the life and witness of the Church throughout North America. We offer wisdom, guidance and support for clergy seeking ministry contexts and churches seeking leadership.

Mustard Seed Initiative:  Vital Mission for Small Churches and Churches in Small Places

Inspired by the parable of the mustard seed, the Mustard Seed Initiative seeks to empower small churches across North America, enabling them to grow in faith and impact their communities. The smallest seed can grow into the largest of garden plants - offering shelter and sustenance - and churches can do the same. In collaboration with our partner, Fresh Expressions North America, our mission is to cultivate these seeds of potential, transforming them into thriving centers of spiritual growth and outreach.  Discover great insights and stories from our Rural Renewal Podcast and reach out for training and equipping opportunities to support small churches and churches in small places.

Receiving the Global Gospel

The Gospel is growing in power around the world and key parts of the church where the Spirit of God is moving in power are coming to North America.  In addition to a continued focus on sending the gospel around the world, Ascent believes that it will be essential that we learn to receive the Gospel that is growing in Power around the world into the core life of the North American church. 

Vital Pre-Schools Project:  Starting & Strengthening Child Development Centers for Kingdom Impact

Generation Alpha is the least churched demographic in North America and their Millennial and Gen Z parents are not far behind.  A vital gospel witness will not happen without an effective concentration on children and youth.  Yet, many churches are missing out on some of the lowest hanging gospel possibilities immediately in front of them – Preschool and Child Development Centers.  The Vital Pre-Schools Project aims to help churches that have CDC’s making them more fruitful in evangelism and disciple-making both for the church that are part of them and the parents that bring them.  It also envisions helping churches start CDC’s if they don’t have one presently.

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